Baby Update: I went to the doctor today for a normal check up and I am now 13 weeks 3 days pregnant.
Here are the stats:
Baby heartbeat- 152
Blood pressure- can't remember
Weight gain- 2 lbs (which I had lost at the last appointment)
Current cravings- peaches, everything else is pretty much an aversion
The appointment was great! It took a few minutes to find the heartbeat, but I didn't panic. I remember it taking a while to find David's when he was the size of a small melon as well. We should be able to find out the gender in about 3 1/2 weeks! And, I get to stop my progesterone dosage which will hopefully give me back a little energy. Wahoo! We are so thankful and I'm looking forward to rounding that corner of feeling a little better. Thanks for all your prayers. God is good!
At 10:51 PM, Beth Goff said…
I am so glad your apt. went well! We are actually in Ft. Worth and I wish I could see yall, but my Dad had knee surgery so we have to stay close to home to change his ice and help him move around. I can't wait to find out what you are having!!
We are praying for yall!
At 10:55 AM, Curtis said…
awesome news, Dani! you and your family are in my prayers!
At 12:35 PM, Hope said…
YEAH!!!!! We are glad all is well and can't wait to find out if a little girl will join Claudia in the male populated Martin great-grand group.
Love ya'll!!
At 9:20 PM, Jenna said…
After the extra progesterone got out of my system I felt a lot better. So glad that things are going well. Babies are such a wonderful gift from God.
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