David Edward Kelly

This page is set up for our son, David. He was born on August 11, 2005 at 4:33 pm. He was 20 inches long and weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas Thanks!

I know this post is a little late, but I didn't want the holidays to completely pass without telling all of our families how much we missed them this Christmas! It was nice to be in our home for Christmas morning, but we sure did miss everyone! Thank you for sending all the wonderful gifts to us and we just wanted you to know how blessed we are to have people in our lives that support us in the ministry. Even if it does keep us from living close by! (You can see pictures of our new church home on the website www.keystonechurch.com... we are finally in a building!!!) You are each so special to all three of us and we can't wait to see you soon! We pray that you all have a happy new year!

Much love,
Trey, Dani, and David

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day

What a fun morning!

David loved all his gifts

Thanks for the red wagon Dee Dee and Daddy T!

Climbing in his Thomas tent! What fun!!!

SHHH... that's my favorite Christmas song (The Chipmunks)!

Riding outside. It's chilly, but very sunny in TX today.

And crying when we came inside... I think it's time for another nap!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy 4th Birthday, Bayler!

We can't believe you are 4 years old today! We are so proud of you and think you are such a sweet little man. David still thinks you are his "best buddy"! Have a piece of cake for us and we love you bunches!!!

Uncle Trey, Aunt Dani, and David

Sit still, David!!!

Yeah, right! I have tried MANY times to get the little man to sit in front of our Christmas tree for a picture... here is what happens everytime!

On the go again!

We we staying here in TX this Christmas so I wanted our families to see the stockings my friend Sandi made for us. I love them!

And here is our tree without a little boy sitting in front (which was obviously my plan!). Merry Christmas everyone! We love and miss you all!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Santa Visit

So, today (the Friday before Christmas) I FINALLY took David to see Santa. He was very excited to see the jolly man in red, but you can tell from the picture he didn't want to sit with him!

He didn't cry or seem upset to be with "Ho, Ho", he just didn't feel like his lap was a great place to be... it might have had something to do with the 2 HOUR wait we had!!!

This is a picture of the picture the nice camera lady took for us. We don't have a scanner for the new computer yet, so the quality isn't the best. Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Ice Cream with Ava

It has been so hot here in TX! The other day I decided not to complain about the less than seasonal temperatures and take advantage of it. So, I took David and Ava to get ice cream!

Ava was very funny the whole time. She is usually very sweet to "baby David".

David was a mess, but he loved it!

We are that independent stage where he really wants to feed himself, but it is sooo much more messy!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

How precious...

We tried on our boots tonight...

and this little cowboy loved them!

He didn't want to take them off!

"Am I a stinker or what?!?"


Enough said!

Cookie Swap

David and I attended our first Cookie Swap on Friday. We had a great time with friends and ate lots of yummy treats!

David loved the sugar cookies Nicole (our hostess) prepared. He couldn't eat them fast enough!

Some of my sweet girlfriends! This is Kelli (with baby
Campbell on the way), April, and Amber (holding baby Tex).

Carter and Korbyn provided the entertainment!

Thomas gave me a shy smile while riding the coveted rocking horse!

A few firsts...

David had a few "firsts" this week. Here he is taking his first ride in one of those grocery cart cars. I know they are probably covered in germs, but I decided to let him try it once anyway. Of course he loved it! And we were sure to use lots of wipes and hand gel afterwards.

David was yelling "go, go, go" all the way through the store. It was very funny! Also, David had his first go at the Chick-Fil-A play land. Again, we doused him in antibacterial gel after the fun, but I have to say I was very proud of him... he climbed all the way to the top and played with his friend Carter. I could hear him giggling and "talking" the whole time so I knew he was safe. And then he climbed down the same way he climbed up. Not bad for a 16 month old.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The "my" obsession...

David began calling his pacifier his "my" a few weeks ago... we don't know why, but he just does. Anyway, I realized that if he could call it by name it was time we made an attempt to get rid of it. Note to self: with the next child, I will NOT wait until they have a name for their beloved "my"! We only made it about 45 minutes without a breakdown. I guess we have our work cut out for us...

Mommy Time

Today, I spent the afternoon SHOPPING all alone! My sweet friend, Susan, offered to watch David so I could get some of my shopping accomplished... well, I finished it ALL (with the exception of one VERY difficult person to buy for)!!! I am overjoyed that it is all finished. Thank you Susan for watching the little guy, it is amazing what you can do without a child in tow!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Christmas Fun

Yesterday, David and spent the day doing lots of fun Christmas activities. We started by going to the Gaylord Texan with the Cowen family. This is Ian, Myles, David and Trevor. David had a great time with the boys!

I need to have my "helpers" around all the time. David laughs out loud at all 3 boys and LOVES the attention. We had a wonderful time looking at all the trains, waterfalls, and displays. Thanks Lisa for spending the morning with us!

After a much needed haircut, David and I went to Sandi Walker's house. Sweet Sandi volunteered to make our family stockings this year! I was so excitied to get started. It took Sandi almost 3 hours to complete our stockings and they look wonderful!!! I will certainly post a photo as soon as I pick them up from being embroidered.

While Sandi sewed (sadly, I was not much help), David played with her youngest daughter, Bella. He had a great time being the "big one" around. Thanks so much Sandi for the work you put into our stockings. It is a blessing to our family and they look amazing!!!