David Edward Kelly

This page is set up for our son, David. He was born on August 11, 2005 at 4:33 pm. He was 20 inches long and weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

"Mom, PLEASE..."

"... let me go outside and play in that fun white stuff!!!" David watched the snow fall for a while this afternoon. He would point and say "no" (snow). Maybe next time he will get to play!

CRAZY, Crazy Texas Weather!

Yesterday at 4pm it was 80 degrees here in Texas...

and today we woke up to snow and ice!!!

Too bad the baby boy is too sick to go outside and play. He has been running a fever since yesterday, so we are taking it easy. If you know David at all this photo should shock you. The child loves HIS crib and usually sleeps no where else. However today he felt so bad I found him sleeping on the couch! Poor baby!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Go Gamecocks!

I finally caught David giving the "touchdown" sign! This is my brother, Rob, his wife, Risha, and Bridges (Bayler didn't want to take a picture). I just thought it to be a fitting picture for the big win over Clemson this past weekend! Go Cocks!

15 month well check up

David saw Dr. Deitchman again today... the RSV is much better and we only have to give him breathing treatments as needed for his cough. However he does have an ear infection in both ears and a red throat. So! Now we are taking the bubble gum medicine for 10 days. I am very thankful that David has always taken medicine easily, I couldn't imagine having to fight him with all of this! Here are the other stats from the doctor today:

Weight: 23 1/2 pounds (between 50% and 75%)
Height: 31/1/2 inches (75%)
Head: I can't remember!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

Of course this is the best picture I took of David before he was covered with dressing, green beans and sweet potatoes! He still doesn't ever look at the camera... but I think he had a great Thanksgiving!

David and I started our traveling 5 days before Trey. We had great flights with no delays and David discovered that we share a common food love... the Biscoff cookies they give you on Delta! He had it everywhere!

After a short afternoon at Dee Dee and Daddy T's we loaded down Rob and Risha's van with all 3 boys and drove to Elkin, NC. We had a great time visiting my Aunt Dah and her family. She even cooked her very first Thanksgiving meal... it was terrific! On Sunday we had fun afternoon at the Holiday Parade. I love this picture because it shows just how southern our boys are! They were not wild about the cold (at least until the parade started)!

The reason for going to the parade??? My beautiful cousin Olivia was homecoming queen for her school. We're very proud of you Olivia!

We drove back to my S.C. Sunday night. David and I traveled to Columbia on Monday for a real treat... lunch at Groucho's with some of my friends! I actually visited Groucho's twice and Harper's once in 3 days. I really miss the restaurants in Columbia!

This is Laura and Christie (with baby Bailee Kate on the way!). It was wonderful to catch up with old friends and to see little Rhett for the first time!

Almost every house we stayed in or visited had stairs... David loved it!

This is David and Dee Dee at one of my favorite dive restaurants in Bishopville, Charles Jackson's.

Before we left to meet Trey on Wednesday, we stopped to see Daddy T at work. David even got to sit on and "drive" one of the big tractors!

More stairs, and David having lots of fun with his Mimi and Aunt Janet (Boo Boo)!

David and his Papa Dock laughing at something they think is very funny!

David and his Loulie. He had a great time visiting all of his family!

David even met some of his cousins for the first time... This is Aryn (10years) and her sister Karly (2 years). David and Karly had a great time playing together.

As we left S.C. all the Christmas decorations were going up. This is Dylan and David playing in front of the Christmas tree. We had a wonderful trip and hope to see everyone soon over Christmas!

Monday, November 27, 2006


We are home, but between laundry, a teething baby, church, work, and life I haven't had a chance to post about our exciting Thanksgiving week! I hope to have a chance before Wednesday... check back a little later. ikmgnh cvg nm xcr kmngrxo l xik (this is David typing a "hello" to the blog world!). :)

Saturday, November 18, 2006


We have begun our Thanksgiving travels! Check back with us next week and I'm sure we'll have lots of memories to share... Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


I was tagged by my friend Christa... I've been reading others that have been tagged and it is amazing how small this world is... Now I tag Hope, Jenna, and Ellen!

I want: nothing
I have: everything I need and more... what a wonderful life I have!
I wish: my husband were here right now (we are in SC, he is in TX)
I hate: people who deliberately hurt others
I miss: my family and friends who don't live close
I hear: David playing with my mom
I wonder: what heaven is like
I regret: many, many things... which is why I am so thankful for grace!
I am not: perfect
I dance: with David everynight while we listen to iTunes
I sing: terribly, thankfully David and my kiddos at school don't care
I cry: hardly ever
I am not always: right
I make with my hands: dinner, school crafts, and messes
I write: on my blog and in a journal
I confuse: probably everyone, who knows!?!
I need: nothing (well, a day at the spa would be nice !)
I should:not procrastinate (so frustrating, but I can't seem to kick the habit, ugh)
I start: each day with a prayer, a kiss from my wonderful husband, and a song for David
I finish: each day with a prayer, a kiss from my wonderful husband, and a book/prayers with David

Monday, November 13, 2006

David at Fifteen Months

David was 15 months old Saturday... and he started his week by visiting Dr. Deitchman! I noticed him "pulling" a little when breathing last night and his teacher at school today confirmed my suspicion that we needed to have him checked. Turns out he has a touch of RSV again! He had this last holiday season when he was just 4 months old. Of course, we now own a breathing machine so it isn't that big of a deal. However, the signicant difference is how the albuterol makes David behave... after his treatment tonight he was running everywhere like a mad man and laughing. It was really funny to see him so wild. Since he is a little under the weather we have decided to do a "hopeful" well check up in 2 weeks and then David will get his shots. Here are a few fun facts about the little man right now:

Favorite games: peek-a-boo, running after you or you chasing him (he screams and laughs), and playing catch (he can actually catch a ball), the "good-bye game" (too hard to explain)

Favorite songs: Anything... he loves to sit in front of the computer and listen to iTunes. He has a few favorites and the artist of those songs include The Beatles, Coldplay, Jack Johnson, and Third Day. I guess we should really download a few kids songs, ha!

Favorite foods: spinach nuggets, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and mashed potatoes

Words David Can Say: Anything you can say! We have a parrot for a son... he has actually said words as hard as yellow, cheese, water, the list could go on. He is very verbal and talks all the time, unless you want him too :)!

What His Teachers Have To Say: "David is very social, but also likes to play alone", "He is really reseptive to God's Word" (his teacher Mrs. Sandy pray's scripture to the children during the day and David always seems to really listen to her when she does...), "He is very happy, eats 3 times as much as the other children, and is easy going", "He sometimes fights sleep during naptime".

David loves to play with the football and always gives us the sign for "touchdown"... well, as long as mom doesn't have the camera in front of him trying to catch him doing it. He can say "Go Cocks" too!

And to sum up my "subsitute for his baby book report", he will not, will not, WILL NOT look at the camera, EVER!!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"Horns or Halo"

One of my sweetest friends (who is also an incredible mom) always uses this saying when referring to her 3 boys... she says they wear "horns or a halo". Well, apparently the stomach bug took David's halo and left him with only the horns to wear! He screamed himself to sleep for only the 2nd time in his life today. He follows me around the house whining about nothing and everything. And to top it all off, he still won't eat much of anything! When will my sweet baby return???

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Feeling Better...

We are all feeling much better now. David and I still didn't make it to church this morning because we didn't want the other kids to get sick, just playing it safe! However, we did spend some time outside today. We HAD to get out of this house!

David LOVES outside. In fact, one of his favorite "games" to play with us is to yell "bye" all the way to the door and then laugh. I guess he thinks if he says "bye" we will listen and take him outside, even if we don't leave the garage!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Happy Belated Halloween!

This picture was taken on Halloween night, before the storm hit the Kelly casa... we have all been terribly sick with some kind of stomach bug, UCK! After 3 days of being locked in our home with a can of Lysol and strick diet of toast and applesauce, we are all feeling better. Here are a few pictures from our fun Halloween!

Here is Doctor David and Snow White (a.k.a. Faith)... can't you just see Faith saying "Hey buddy, what are they doing to us now???" I love it!

David had lots of fun at his school Fall Festival... he painted a pumpkin (red, of course... he had to add the Gamecock's color somewhere on his orange pumpkin), he dug in the sand, and he had the most fun throwing this ball that was shaped like a pumpkin. He threw all the other pumpkins he could lift anyway, so this really made him happy!

Yes, I can occasionally be "such a teacher"... I decided to dress up for my four year olds. Although they would have liked it better if I had been a Power Ranger, they had to settle for a cat.

On Halloween night we joined some friends for pizza, dessert, and then trick-or-treating in downtown Grapevine. It was so much fun! We tried to get a picture of all the kids, but it was more like herding cats and no one could get a good shot... I must say, David is always a part of this problem. He won't sit still or look at the camera anymore! Here is a shot of David and Carter getting candy from a trunk-or-treat we visited.

Almost every Halloween kids in Texas sweat in their costumes... this is one of the reasons David had the scrubs, so he would be comfortable. Wouldn't you know it, it was FREEZING here Halloween night. He and Holland (the "fishy") were all bundled up!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

David's favorite food...

is hands down the spinach nuggets I received from a fellow blogger a few months ago! I've never met this person, but she has given my little boy lots of smiles because of this yummy recipe. So, since I can't seem to get pictures on the blog I thought I'd post the recipe for Spinach Nuggets... ENJOY!

Spinach Nuggets

2 10 oz. boxes frozen chopped spinach (I am sure you could use fresh steamed spinach also)
3 T butter
1 c wheat bread crumbs
1 c grated parmesan
2 eggs, beaten

Cook spinach according to package directions, drain, and squeeze out excess water
Add butter to spinach and let melt
Add bread crumbs, cheese, and then eggs. Mix well
Form into small balls, and then flatten on cookie sheet
Bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes.

Notes: This recipe made about 20 or so nuggets, so you can freeze the rest for a quick meal. Just put a serving in a ziplock bag, freeze and then pop them in the microwave for about 30 seconds when it's chow time!


I have been trying to download pictures on my blog since last night and blogger is not cooperating! We had a wonderful night trick-or-treating and I really want to post about the fun times... oh well, hopefully I'll be able to soon.